# opkg install samba36-server # opkg install luci-app-sambaEdit /etc/config/samba
# vi /etc/config/samba config samba option name 'OpenWrt' option workgroup 'WORKGROUP' option description 'OpenWrt' option homes '0' config sambashare option name 'dlna' option read_only 'no' option users 'diantokam' option create_mask '0777' option dir_mask '0777' option path '/home/dlna' option guest_ok 'yes' config sambashare option name 'hidden$' option users 'diantokam' option read_only 'no' option create_mask '0777' option dir_mask '0777' option path '/home/old' option guest_ok 'yes'Edit /etc/passwd and add user diantokam,copy paste user nobody configuration, leave everything same as user nobody, except for user ID and group name.
# vi /etc/passwdCreate password for user diantokamroot:$1$nvFplbd8$l05HR0mdTHcGprNaMg8QA1:0:0:root:/root:/bin/ash daemon:*:1:1:daemon:/var:/bin/false network:*:101:101:network:/var:/bin/false nobody:*:65534:65534:nobody:/var:/bin/false diantokam:*:65535:65534:diantokam:/var:/bin/false
# passwd diantokamAdding diantokam to samba user
# smbpasswd -a diantokamEnable samba service on startup
# /etc/init.d/samba enableTo start samba service
# /etc/init.d/samba startTo stop samba service
# /etc/init.d/samba stopTo accesses samba share from windows type \\samba_server_name on address bar, in my case it is \\openwrt
or using \\ip_address in my case, it is \\
and insert username and password for diantokam that you give for smbpasswd
Setelah nyari sana sini, akhirnya postingan ini yang membuat Samba - ku bisa menari indah....:-) thanks banget ya, ditunggu sharing sharing berikutnya....
senang bisa membantu :D
bisa ga ya kita akses share folder kita ga usa pake username n password? soalnya waktu saya uda berhasil mount usb saya tapi dari windows pas mau diakses shared folder nya ga ada permission nya.
null passwords = yes
Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf.template dan tambahkan null passwords = yes:
config sambashare
option name 'public'
option read_only 'no'
option path '/home'
option guest_ok 'yes'
edit /etc/config/samba hapus option users 'nama_user' bila ada,
masih tetep ga bisa nih. katanya ga ada permission utk akses folder yg gw shared. config nya kaya gini nih.
config samba
option name 'OpenWrt'
option workgroup 'WORKGROUP'
option description 'OpenWrt'
option homes '1'
config sambashare
option name 'Sharing'
option path '/home'
option read_only 'no'
option guest_ok 'yes'
netbios name = |NAME|
display charset = |CHARSET|
interfaces = |INTERFACES|
server string = |DESCRIPTION|
unix charset = |CHARSET|
workgroup = |WORKGROUP|
browseable = yes
deadtime = 30
domain master = yes
encrypt passwords = true
enable core files = no
guest account = nobody
guest ok = yes
invalid users = root
local master = yes
load printers = no
map to guest = Bad User
max protocol = SMB2
min receivefile size = 16384
null passwords = yes
obey pam restrictions = yes
os level = 20
passdb backend = smbpasswd
preferred master = yes
printable = no
security = user
smb encrypt = disabled
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
syslog = 2
use sendfile = yes
writeable = yes
kalau ada yg kurang tolong ditambahin ya gan.
Nanti malam saya coba, besok mampir lagi ya, thq
Bisa kok dan berhasil untuk public share, ikuti cara yang telah saya jabarkan pada comment diatas, nih aku tulis ulang.
null passwords = yes
Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf.template dan tambahkan null passwords = yes:
config sambashare
option name 'public'
option read_only 'no'
option path '/home'
option guest_ok 'yes'
edit /etc/config/samba hapus option users 'nama_user' bila ada,
Kalo lupa password gimana nih, Gan?
Waduh, kira2 bisa ganti password gak yah?
Kalo gaada permission coba buka putty login lewat ssh , ketik chmod 777 (folder)
Coba di ketik lagi di putty nya
smbpasswd -a (user) nnti dia minta password yang baru atau tambahin null passwords = yes
Thank you bto aal karena sudah membantu menjawabnya:
smbpasswd -a diantokam digunakan untuk menambahkan user baru ke samba, bisa juga dipakai untuk mereplace user yang sudah ada. Setelah kita menambahkan user baru samba akan menanyakan password baru untuk user tersebut.
Nah, pada bagian ini silahkan isi dengan password yang dikehendaki.
Terima kasih semua
Sangat membantu
Semoga makin sukses
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