Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Adding SQLite3 Binary on ROOTED Android (Simple Mode)

Some devices come with luxury binary, but some lacking that luxury item, but as we are love to hack android it doesn't matter anymore, in this little post, i will show you how to insert SQLite3 binary into our system.

Okay, now follow the instructions below, if you like using adb command then you can read advanced mode.

1. Download SQLite3 binary from here or here or here
2. Install any File manager with ROOT Capability like Root Explorer or Root Browser
3. Copy SQLite3 binary into /system/xbin/sqlite3
4. Chmod 0755 /system/xbin/sqlite3, you can do this inside Root Explorer or Root Browser

5. Done

Example shell output from sqlite3
root@android:/storage/sdcard0 # sqlite3 --help
Usage: sqlite3 [OPTIONS] FILENAME [SQL]
FILENAME is the name of an SQLite database. A new database is created
if the file does not previously exist.
OPTIONS include:
   -ascii               set output mode to 'ascii'
   -bail                stop after hitting an error
   -batch               force batch I/O
   -column              set output mode to 'column'
   -cmd COMMAND         run "COMMAND" before reading stdin
   -csv                 set output mode to 'csv'
   -echo                print commands before execution
   -init FILENAME       read/process named file
   -[no]header          turn headers on or off
   -help                show this message
   -html                set output mode to HTML
   -interactive         force interactive I/O
   -line                set output mode to 'line'
   -list                set output mode to 'list'
   -lookaside SIZE N    use N entries of SZ bytes for lookaside memory
   -mmap N              default mmap size set to N
   -newline SEP         set output row separator. Default: '\n'
   -nullvalue TEXT      set text string for NULL values. Default ''
   -pagecache SIZE N    use N slots of SZ bytes each for page cache memory
   -scratch SIZE N      use N slots of SZ bytes each for scratch memory
   -separator SEP       set output column separator. Default: '|'
   -stats               print memory stats before each finalize
   -version             show SQLite version
   -vfs NAME            use NAME as the default VFS
1|root@android:/storage/sdcard0 # sqlite3 -version 2015-07-29 20:00:57 cf538e2783e468bbc25e7cb2a9ee64d3e0e80b2f

Another source for SQLite3 you may interesting:

1 comment:

  1. error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported.
